Jerawat saat Hamil, Bolehkah Diobati dengan Benzoil Peroksida?

Jerawat saat Hamil, Bolehkah Diobati dengan Benzoil Peroksida?
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Acne is more common in pregnant women due to hormonal changes. Acne treatment during pregnancy is similar to acne treatment in general. What about the use of benzoyl peroxide in pregnant women? Are there any adverse effects to using acne medication while pregnant? Check out the following review.


Benzoyl peroxide for pregnant women

It is widely believed that benzoyl peroxide is effective in the treatment of acne. This product functions as a topical antiseptic that dissolves blackheads (comedolytic), eliminates acne-causing bacteria, and is available for use without a prescription from a doctor.

Benzoyl peroxide, when applied topically, helps clear pores and decrease the amount of bacteria that cause acne. This component eliminates built-up dead skin, controls oil production, and removes microorganisms under the skin's surface.

There are a variety of forms of benzoyl peroxide that are readily available for purchase, including gel, facial soap, and spot therapy. The use of this component, which is also available in a variety of concentrations, is appropriate for acne that is mild to moderate in severity.

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During pregnancy, it is important for moms to take caution when using skincare products, as not all skincare products are acceptable for use by pregnant women. According to the NHS, benzoyl peroxide is a safe component for babies to use in specific quantities. Benzoyl peroxide is safe for breastfeeding moms and pregnant women.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has classified the use of benzoyl peroxide in pregnant women as being under category C. This classification is based on the findings of studies conducted on animals, which indicate that this substance poses potential dangers to the developing baby. However, researchers have not carried out any studies on human subjects.

Women who are pregnant can use benzoyl peroxide if the benefits are greater than the risks. This substance can get into the bloodstream of pregnant women, but only in very small amounts. This means that there isn't much risk for the baby. Nevertheless, additional research is required to establish a definitive answer.

Here are some recommendations for pregnant women who want to use benzoyl peroxide treatment during pregnancy and breastfeeding:

  • Apply with caution: Benzoyl peroxide has the potential to dehydrate the skin; therefore, it is recommended to use only the minimum amount that is suitable for the skin. Reduce the frequency of use if your skin exhibits symptoms of irritation or dryness. To prevent skin irritation, select benzoyl peroxide at low concentrations.
  • Choose a lower concentration: In addition to being mindful of the dosage, it is recommended to apply this medication at a reduced concentration.
  • Avoid exposing babies to benzoyl peroxide-treated regions of the body if you are a breastfeeding mother. Before touching your child, it is important to wash your hands carefully after applying acne medicine. Avoid the use of benzoyl peroxide-based treatments if you have acne on your chest.

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Acne treatment during pregnancy

Acne is common during pregnancy and often resolves after childbirth. To relieve acne, several treatments can be used, such as:

  • Use a mild cleanser to cleanse your face. Apply a mild face cleanser and avoid using facial scrubs and astringents that can cause skin irritation and exacerbate acne.
  • Do not pop pimples because this can exacerbate the infection.
  • Avoid cosmetics and skincare products that stimulate oil production. To reduce the risk of acne, choose products assigned as water-based or non-comedogenic.
  • Avoid touching your face if it is dirty. Always wash your hands before touching your face, and if you sweat a lot, wash it right away.


You can treat acne during pregnancy using the home remedies listed above. However, if you believe it is ineffective, you should consult with your doctor about acne treatments that are both effective and safe for pregnant women. If you have any concerns regarding pregnancy, you can either visit a doctor or make use of the consultation features that are available in the Ai Care application by downloading the Ai Care application from the App Store or Play Store.


Looking for more information about pregnancy, breastfeeding, and the health of women and children? Click here!

Writer : Ratih AI Care
Editor :
  • dr Nadia Opmalina
Last Updated : Rabu, 24 Juli 2024 | 05:43